and services
and services
and services
Your holiday in San Benedetto del Tronto
The Hotel’s amenities
What does the Hotel Mocambo offer its guests? Here you will find the amenities and services the hotel gives. Some of them are paying, but most of them are free.
Your holiday on the beach
A fully equipped beach
Book a beach umbrella with a sunbed and a deck chair for a super relaxing holiday. Imagine waking up in the morning, having a nice breakfast at the hotel and then go to the beach. No traffic, no stress, just relax. You will spend your days sunbathing, diving into the sea, read a book or just enjoy the view. If you want to do some sports you can join the activities our staff plans for guests!
A relaxing holiday
Hotel with a pool
Imagine spending the morning in the sun and the waves, and going to the pool in the afternoon. Our pool is a peaceful oasys where you can indulge in just doing nothing. A nap, a dive… You don’t have to be an olympic professional swimmer. The water is only 1,30 meter deep so it’s perfectly good for everyone.
Comfort and safety
Inside or outside, private or public, you will always find a spot for your car.
The Riviera by bike
You can bike around Riviera delle Palme! Rent one of our bike and experience it on two wheels!
Comfortable Holiday
Our breakfast
Our breakfast is made for those who want to take it slowly and enjoy all the tastes.
A real holiday is for everyone
We are happy to welcome all our guests, on 2 or 4 legs. Our rooms are large and comfortable, designed for everyone’s comfort. Do you want to go on a walk with your dog on the promenade or relax on our dedicated area? Go ahead! We are here to make your stay unforgettable.
Stay active on Holiday!
Hotel with a gym
You’ll have a treadmill, a stationary bike, a bench, a barbell, to keep you trained and in shape even on holiday!
Funny Holiday
Beach activities
Working out with Mary is so funny! You don’t want to miss it for the world!